World Hearing Day 2021 – Hearing Loss Prevention and Hearing Care Options

World Hearing Day 2021
World Hearing Day 2021 raises awareness for deafness and hearing loss prevention as well as promotes ear and hearing care worldwide. In honor of World Hearing Day, I’ll discuss hearing loss prevention tips and hearing care options. Coming up!
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek – audiologist, audio engineer, and musician with Pro Fit bringing you the best insight in today’s latest hearing aids, headphones, and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
If you’re interested in hearing aids, check out my free eBook HERE.
World Hearing Day is organized by the World Health Organization and occurs annually on March 3rd. This year’s theme is Hearing Care for All. Screen, Rehabilitate, Communicate. New this year, is the World Report on Hearing which provides evidence-based guidance regarding hearing loss and policy action for ear and hearing care worldwide.
World Hearing Day 2021 – Hearing Loss Prevention
OK, let’s talk about hearing loss prevention as well as hearing care options.
First, to help prevent hearing loss you can do several things. Reduce or avoid exposure to loud sounds. This could be loud noise in a work environment, loud music, or loud sounds from recreational activities. Wear hearing protection like earplugs or earmuffs if needed. Here’s a link for more information on noise exposure standards issued by NIOSH and OSHA.
Occupational Noise Exposure Standards
See your physician immediately if you experience ear pain, vertigo/dizziness, suspect an ear infection or ear wax build-up, experience tinnitus, or notice any changes in your hearing. Consultation with an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) physician is recommended.
Schedule an annual hearing exam with an audiologist to monitor your hearing over time.
Be aware of ototoxic medications which are toxic to the inner ear. Consult with your physician for more guidance on ototoxic medications.
Eat healthy foods and avoid smoking to promote hearing health.
World Hearing Day 2021 – Ear and Hearing Care
So, if you think you have hearing loss who should you see?
You can see your primary care physician, an Ear Nose and Throat physician (ENT), an audiologist aka a Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.), or a hearing aid specialist. You can request a hearing screening to determine if hearing loss exists.
If you fail a hearing screening, further testing can be completed by an audiologist or hearing aid specialist. Both audiologists and hearing aid specialists are licensed to test hearing and treat hearing loss with hearing aids.
An audiologist may also specialize in pediatric audiology, vestibular disorders, auditory processing disorders, electrophysiology evaluations, bone anchored hearing aids, cochlear implants, and intraoperative monitoring. Here’s a link to an audiologist directory so you can find a professional in your area.
If you are a hearing aid candidate, ask your provider for real ear measurements during your hearing aid fitting. These measurements verify whether the hearing aids are fine-tuned to your degree of hearing loss and unique ear acoustics. You can also check out my free eBook, “How to Buy Hearing Aids” HERE.
Happy World Hearing Day!
Have you seen a hearing healthcare professional before? Let’s connect in the comments below.
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-Dr. Derek