Phonak Roger – Phonak Hearing Aids & Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implant

Phonak Roger
What is Phonak Roger? In this post, I’ll discuss how Phonak hearing aids and Advanced Bionics cochlear implants use this wireless technology to improve hearing in noise. Coming up!
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek – audiologist, audio engineer, and musician with Pro Fit bringing you the best insight in today’s latest hearing aids, headphones, and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
If you’re interested in hearing aids, check out my free eBook HERE.
Phonak Roger features
Today, I’m talking about Phonak Roger. It is a wireless technology that helps users overcome distance and noise. It wirelessly sends the sound of a speaker’s voice from a microphone directly to Phonak hearing aids or Advanced Bionics cochlear implants. The hearing aids or cochlear implants can connect to the microphone using a small attachment on the bottom called a receiver or boot. *Roger is compatible with hearing devices from multiple manufacturers.
A technology called RogerDirect allows for a direct connection between Roger wireless devices, Phonak hearing aids, and Advanced Bionics cochlear implants without using a physical receiver or boot on the bottom. This can be activated by your audiologist. The Phonak Marvel & Paradise hearing aids as well as the Advanced Bionics Naida CI M & Sky CI M cochlear implants support RogerDirect.
Automatic Adjustment
Phonak Roger technology makes speech louder than the background noise, so that it’s easier to understand speech in the most challenging listening situations like noisy rooms, restaurants, and schools. If it gets noisier in your environment, the speech level is adjusted automatically so you can hear your best.
Phonak Roger offers MultiBeam technology. For meetings, table top microphone devices like the Roger Select and Roger Table Mic II have multiple microphones that automatically select the input with less noise and the best speech clarity. This allows you to better understand whoever is speaking in a group situation.
MultiTalker Network
Phonak Roger also features MultiTalker networks. This allows you to broadcast multiple Roger microphones to a pair of hearing aids so you can hear multiple speakers in a room at once. This can be helpful for adults in group gatherings and also for children in a classroom setting.
Phonak Roger products
*See video above for product pictures.
Microphones with Roger technology include the Roger Select, Roger Table Mic II, Roger Pen, Roger Touchscreen Mic (for classroom use), and Roger On.
Other Roger products include the Roger pass-around mic (for classroom use), Roger Multimedia Hub, Roger clip-on mic, Roger neckloop for use with a tele-coil, and Roger DigiMaster soundfield system.
As you can see there are many different products that use Phonak Roger technology. If you are interested in these products, contact your local audiologist to discuss which device might serve your specific needs. If you’d like to learn more about hearing aids and new wireless technologies, subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the notification bell so you know when the next video is posted.
So, what do you think about Phonak Roger technology? Let me know in the comments below. Connect with us on social media. Be a part of the Pro Fit Hearing community!
-Dr. Derek