Over the Counter Hearing Aids, Earbuds, & Headphones with Jacoti Inside

Over the Counter Hearing Aids, Earbuds, & Headphones with Jacoti Inside
Would you be interested in having earbuds or headphones that work like hearing aids? Jacoti Inside provides hearing loss compensation technology for earbuds, headphones, and future over the counter hearing aids. This technology makes better hearing accessible to today’s consumer audio devices.
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek – audiologist, audio engineer, and musician with ProFitHearing.com bringing you the best insight in today’s latest hearing aids, headphones, and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
If you’re interested in hearing aids, check out my free eBook HERE.
Jacoti Inside – Over the Counter Hearing Aids and Bluetooth Devices
Jacoti Inside allows you to customize your Bluetooth device audio quality. This is available to devices that use the Qualcomm QCC5100 series Bluetooth Audio System on a Chip or SoC technology. Compatible devices can include Bluetooth earbuds, headphones, and future over the counter hearing aids. Jacoti states that they are “Bridging the gap between Consumer audio and hearing accessibility.”
With Jacoti Inside you get:
- The ability to perform a hearing test on your device.
- Hearing loss compensation (HLC) sound settings
- High audio quality
- Custom sound optimization for phone calls, music, and streaming.
This technology allows your earbuds and headphones to become customized hearing devices.
Ok, let’s discuss 5 Jacoti Inside Features in more detail.
1- DuoTone hearing test
The DuoTone hearing test offers puretone testing to determine thresholds from 125 Hz to 12,000 Hz. This data produces an audiogram on your device using the Jacoti Hearing Center app.
2 – Jacoti HearingKit signal processing
The Jacoti HearingKit provides automatic gain control, spectral shaping, and limiter sound processing for mild to moderate hearing loss based on the DuoTone hearing test. Hearing loss compensation (HLC) is available with a NAL based fitting formula as found in hearing aids. A fitting formula determines the appropriate sound settings for a particular hearing loss so that you have the best sound quality and comfort.
3 – Jacoti earCloud
Your hearing profile can be stored in the Jacoti earCloud so that your hearing loss compensation settings will work with other Bluetooth devices. This also allows your profile to be accessible for any follow-up with remote hearing healthcare providers if desired.
4 – Jacoti Connect+
Jacoti Connect+ gives you remote control of your devices via a smartphone app.
5 – OTC ready
Jacoti Inside technology provides the infrastructure for mild to moderate hearing loss compensation for future over the counter hearing aids. Jacoti OTC ready software technologies also have medical device registration in the United States and Europe.
Jacoti Inside – OTC hearing aids, headphones, and earbuds
It’s exciting to see the integration of hearing aid technologies into earbuds and headphones. Hopefully this technology will help more people benefit from enhanced hearing so that they can not only enjoy their music and media but also have improved speech understanding in everyday situations. If you received value from this post, go to https://www.youtube.com/profithearing and check out all the videos on our YouTube channel.
-Dr. Derek