In Ear Monitors (IEMs) for Musicians – Top 4 Benefits

In Ear Monitors (IEMs) for Musicians – Top 4 Benefits
In ear monitors or IEMs are essential for musicians to hear their best while also protecting their hearing. Frequent exposure to loud sound as a musician can cause hearing loss and ringing in the ears (or tinnitus). In this post, I’ll discuss the top 4 benefits of in ear monitors.
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek – audiologist, audio engineer, and musician with bringing you the best insight in today’s latest hearing aids, headphones, and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
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In Ear Monitors (IEMs) for Musicians
Today, I’m talking about the top 4 benefits of in ear monitors also called IEMs for short. Whether you’re a vocalist or an instrumentalist, in ear monitors can make all the difference in how you hear and experience your music.
General Fit – self selected ear tips
First, let’s take a look at some examples of in ear monitors. One option is the Shure SE sound isolating earphones. They are offered in different versions and price points. The SE215 Professional Sound Isolating Earphones as well as the other Shure SE models come with different size ear tips so that you can find the best seal for your ears.
Custom Fit
You also have the option of buying custom molded in ear monitors. An example is the Westone Audio IEMs. They require an ear impression from a hearing healthcare provider. They are then built into a customized shell that is shaped to your ears. Custom molded IEMs are the best solution for a comfortable fit and consistent seal in the ears.
Whichever IEM you choose, make sure they seal securely in your ears for the best sound quality and hearing protection. OK, so let’s talk about the top 4 benefits of in ear monitors.
Benefit #1. Hearing Protection
In ear monitors can protect your ears from loud sounds around you. They help block out environmental sound and allow you to hear your music at a softer, safe listening level. Do not use in ear monitors at loud volumes. IEMs are ideal for live performance with other musicians on stage.
Music venues use stage monitors which are speakers that sit on stage so that musicians can hear themselves and each other. Use of speakers on stage can quickly lead to excessively loud and unsafe sound levels which can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. Also, use of stage monitors can lead to accidental, loud feedback. Feedback is that loud high pitch whistle you may hear when sound from the speakers accidentally gets amplified by the microphones on stage.
It’s important to always wear both the left and right in ear monitors while performing music. Wearing just one IEM will unnecessarily expose one ear to loud noise on stage which puts that ear at risk of developing hearing loss and tinnitus. If you’re taking out one of the IEMs because you feel cut off from sounds around you or you feel like some sounds are unnatural, ask the music venue’s sound engineer to adjust your sound mix.
Benefit #2. Personalized Sound Mix
Not only will you be able to listen at softer volumes, you can also have a personalized sound mix when you’re wearing in ear monitors. The sound engineer can help create a mix tailored to your own personal preferences. The sound mix can also be in stereo so that certain instruments can be placed more toward the left or right ear for improved sound quality. You can also request that the sound of the room be added to your mix so that you feel more connected to your audience.
Benefit #3. Improved Singing
Singers will find that they can hear themselves much easier when using in ear monitors. This not only can reduce vocal strain, but it can also help singers monitor their vocal pitch. IEMs help you sing in tune and improve your timing with other musicians.
Benefit #4. Mobility on Stage
Use of in ear monitors, especially when connected to a wireless audio system, give musicians more flexibility on stage. They no longer are required to stand in front of a stage monitor to hear themselves. IEMs allow musicians to move around more on stage so that they can more easily interact with the audience and their band members.
In Ear Monitors (IEMs) for Musicians – Your Thoughts?
Remember, not only do in ear monitors sound great but they are also able to protect your ears from loud sounds. Listen to music with IEMs at a safe, soft level to help prevent hearing loss and tinnitus. So what in ear monitors do you use or are you most interested in? Let me know in the comments below.
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-Dr. Derek