Phonak Audéo Fit – HEALTHY Hearing Aids?

Phonak Audéo Fit – HEALTHY Hearing Aids?
Did you know that the new Phonak Audéo Fit hearing aids can help you live a healthier life? In this post, I’ll discuss the features of this amazing technology!
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek – audiologist, audio engineer, and musician with bringing you the best insight in today’s latest hearing aids, headphones, and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
If you’re interested in hearing aids, check out my free eBook HERE.
Phonak Audéo Fit
The Phonak Audéo Fit hearing aids are built upon the Paradise platform, so you’ll enjoy the superior sound quality and connectivity that’s also found in the Phonak Audéo Paradise hearing aids. They are also rechargeable and use a charger case for home charging with an optional power pack for travel. You can get a full battery charge in 3 hours.
Sensors & Activity Levels
Unique to the Phonak Audéo Fit hearing aids is their heart rate sensor. You can track your steps and activity levels as well as the distance you’ve walked or run. Use the myPhonak app to monitor all your health tracking data, to set activity goals, and to adjust your hearing aid settings.
Additional controls are available with the multi-function button on top of the hearing aid and with tap control. Tap control is available in the Phonak Audéo Fit p90 and p70 models. This allows you to answer or end a phone call, play/pause streaming audio, or start/stop the voice assistant by tapping on the top of your ear twice.
Cell Phone
When you take a call with your hearing aids, your voice is picked by the hearing aid microphones so that the person you’re speaking to can hear your voice. You will also hear the other person’s voice directly in your hearing aids.
Additional Connectivity
In addition to Bluetooth audio streaming from your devices, you also have access to other Phonak wireless accessories. You can use the TV connector to stream the TV sound directly to your hearing aids, and the Roger wireless microphones can help you hear and understand speech better in noisy situations.
Phonak Audéo Fit – Your Thoughts?
What do you think about the Phonak Audéo Fit hearing aids? Make sure to check out this VIDEO where I discuss the Phonak Paradise features in greater detail. Contact your local audiologist to determine whether this hearing aid is appropriate for your specific needs. If you received value from this post, go to and check out all the videos on our YouTube channel.
-Dr. Derek