Hearing Aids?-Top 10 Reasons to Try Hearing Devices (part 1)

Are hearing aids right for you? Well, in this post I’m talking about the top 10 reasons to try hearing devices. Coming up!
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek, audiologist with Pro Fit Hearing.com bringing you the best insight into today’s latest hearing aids and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
Hearing Aids – Top 10 Reasons
Today, I’m talking about Hearing Aids and the top 10 reasons why you should try them for yourself. Hearing aids change lives everyday by allowing hearing impaired people to hear again and connect with their family and friends. Especially with all the advances in hearing technology today, there has never been a better time to see how hearing aids can impact your life for the better.
#1 Not Your Grandfather’s Hearing Aids
Hearing aids today are small, compact, and very high-tech. They are digital hearing aids today. A miniature computer inside the hearing aid makes almost instantaneous calculations to fine tune sound for your ears so that you can hear your best. They automatically adjust all sounds around you so that you can hear more clearly and comfortably. Hearing aids also connect to smart phones, tablets, laptops, and other bluetooth enabled devices. With bluetooth hearing aids, bluetooth hearing aid audio streamers, and even smart hearing aids you can now be more connected than ever before and hear better than you have in years.
Some of the newest hearing aids also include activity tracking and artificial intelligence (AI) to further customize the user experience. If you are ready to see how today’s hearing technology can change your life for the better, ask your audiologist or hearing aid dispenser about the latest hearing aids on the market today to see what may be a good fit for you.
#2 People Stop “Mumbling”
Patients often report that they feel like they can hear just fine, but other people mumble or don’t enunciate their words clearly enough. An example is: “I hear people talking to me but don’t understand what they are saying. The words seem to run together.”
This is one of the most common complaints heard in the clinic. This type of hearing difficulty is usually the result of hearing loss in the high pitches or high frequencies. This type of hearing loss develops gradually as we age and can also be the result of noise exposure from work environments, hobbies, or loud music. You will experience improved clarity and speech understanding with a hearing aid that is fine tuned to your hearing loss.
#3 Understand Speech Better In Noisy Places
All hearing aids today have directional microphones that help lower background noise so that you can better understand the person sitting in front of you. This noise reduction is automatic but can also be activated with the push of a button on the hearing aid, with a remote, or with a smartphone app. Hearing aids can help cut out the distracting noise and bring out the sharp detail of speech in noisy places. Remember that understanding speech in noisy places is the most challenging listening situation for everyone even with hearing aid use, so it’s important to establish good eye contact with the speaker to maximize your ability to communicate.
#4 Enjoy TV And Movies Again
Hearing aids are customized for your hearing loss so that you will be able to listen to the TV at a level that is comfortable for you and for those around you. The clarity of words will improve with hearing aid use, so you shouldn’t strain to understand the TV. For even better sound quality, you can try TV hearing devices that will connect your hearing aids directly to the TV.
A hearing aid to TV connection allows you to get up, walk to the kitchen, or even go to the next room while still hearing the TV directly in your hearing aids. Other TV hearing devices include wireless headphones that you may wear with or without your hearing aids on. These can be an excellent solution if you don’t have hearing aids, however a direct TV connection with hearing aids will provide superior sound quality that is custom tuned to your hearing loss.
#5 Hear And Understand Women and Children
Hearing loss usually first occurs in the high pitched sound range. These sounds give words their fine detail and clarity. Loss of hearing in this range can make women and children difficult to hear and understand. Many men have told me that they came in for a hearing test because their wife asked them to. They may say, “I hear her but don’t understand. She says I don’t listen. I also never understand what the grandkids are saying.” A spouse is correct to be concerned and often notices their loved one’s communication difficulties more than the patient does.
Are you ready to try hearing aids?
So, what’s keeping you from trying hearing aids? I hope the benefits of hearing aid use that I’ve discussed today will convince you to try them for yourself. Make sure to read part two of this post where I’ll discuss five more reasons why hearing aids can change your life for the better.
As you can see there are many great reasons to try hearing aids. Your local clinic should provide a trial period and may even have some behind-the-ear style hearing aids in stock for demonstration. After receiving a hearing evaluation, a hearing aid can be programmed to your results and be ready to listen to within just a few minutes! Ask your audiologist or hearing aid dispenser today about what hearing aid options are available and start hearing all that you’ve been missing!
Question of the Day
So for today’s question, do any of these reasons to try hearing aids motivate you to take action? I’d love to know your thoughts, so please comment below. Also, what other hearing aid related videos do you want to see? Let’s connect in the comments.
Remember to connect with Pro Fit Hearing on social media. Be a part of the Pro Fit Hearing community!
If you are interested in hearing aids, click HERE for my FREE ebook, “How To Buy Hearing Aids”. Know what to ask your audiologist or hearing aid dispenser so that your hearing aids are easy to use and have all the features you’re looking for.
Remember, Pro Fit Hearing brings you the best insight into today’s latest hearing aids and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
-Dr. Derek