Starkey Evolv AI vs Phonak Paradise – Top Hearing Aid Features

Starkey Evolv AI vs Phonak Paradise – Top Hearing Aid Features
Starkey Evolv AI vs Phonak Paradise hearing aids – are you trying to decide between them? In this post, I’ll discuss the differences between these hearing aids’ top features.
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek – audiologist, audio engineer, and musician with bringing you the best insight in today’s latest hearing aids, headphones, and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
If you’re interested in hearing aids, check out my free eBook HERE.
Starkey Evolv AI vs Phonak Paradise
Today, I’m comparing the feature differences between the Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids over 8 different categories. Both hearing aids are excellent options and offer the latest technology. Your audiologist can help you determine which hearing aid is most appropriate for your needs.
First, let’s talk about the available hearing aid styles. The Starkey Evolv AI hearing aids are available as a device that sits behind the ear which comes in 7 different colors or inside the ear which comes in 6 different colors including black. There’s the option of using a disposable or rechargeable battery, and a telecoil option is also available for better hearing on the phone.
The Phonak Paradise hearing aids are available as a device that sits behind the ear which comes in 7 different colors or inside the ear which come in 3 different colors. There’s also the option of using a disposable or rechargeable battery, and a telecoil option is also available for better hearing on the phone. The Phonak Paradise is also available in three varieties: the Audeo Life, Audeo Fit, and Slim. Some of their features include activity tracking, heart rate monitoring, and waterproofing. The Phonak Paradise Naida behind the ear hearing aid is available for more severe hearing loss.
The rechargeable Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids have the option of an at home charger or a portable charger with built-in power bank.
The Starkey Evolv AI hearing aids offer wireless connectivity and direct audio streaming for Apple & Android devices for its hearing aids that sit behind the ear or inside the ear. Apple devices support two way communication or “hands free” calls. Hands free calls are possible for Android or other Bluetooth enabled cell phones when using the Starkey Remote Microphone+ accessory.
The Phonak Paradise hearing aids offer wireless connectivity and direct audio streaming for Apple, Android, and other Bluetooth devices. There is also one in ear hearing aid style with this same connectivity.
The Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids are compatible with several wireless accessories which send sound directly to the hearing aids for improved speech understanding. You can wirelessly stream sound from the TV or from a microphone worn by another person. There is also a remote control option.
Artificial intelligence (or AI) is used in the Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids. The AI sound processing is always working in the background to analyze and transform sound for improved speech clarity and comfort in challenging listening environments.
Do you have tinnitus or ringing in the ears? If so, make sure to consult with your physician and audiologist. Your provider can determine if a tinnitus masker is appropriate for you. Both the Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids offer tinnitus masking sounds. Use of a tinnitus masker in addition to hearing aid amplification can help take your mind off of the tinnitus and make it less bothersome.
#7 APP
The Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids offer apps that allow the user to adjust the volume, program settings, and noise reduction levels. You can also use an app to receive remote adjustments with your provider. Select Phonak Paradise models offer additional features like activity tracking and health data within the app as well.
The Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids offer a few unique features.
The Starkey Evolv AI hearing aids offer fall detection, alerts, and reminders. The hearing aids are also compatible with the OrCam MyEye device which connects people with visual impairment or blindness to their environment using advanced artificial intelligence assistive technology. It attaches to your glasses and provides auditory feedback by recognizing objects in the room, identifying people around you, and even reading text to you directly into the hearing aids.
Both the Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids offer tap control. With Starkey, a double tap gives you access to Edge Mode to hear better in noise, activates the voice assistant, or starts/stops audio streaming. With Phonak, a double tap of your ear will allow you to answer or end a phone call, play or pause music, or activate the voice assistant.
The Starkey Evolv AI, Phonak Audeo Life, Phonak Audeo Fit, and Phonak Slim offer health data tracking. The Audeo Life is water and sweatproof up to 50 cm, the Audeo Fit features a heart rate sensor, and the Phonak Slim is long and shaped to follow the natural curvature of the head.
The Phonak Paradise style that sits behind the ear has the ActiveVent Receiver which is an automatically adjusting vent built into the hearing aid speaker sitting inside the ear canal. This vent opens and closes depending on the sound environment around you to optimize the sound quality for your own voice, speech and environmental sounds, and music streaming.
Select rechargeable Phonak Paradise hearing aid models offer Motion Sensor Hearing which adjusts the microphone sensitivity to improve speech understanding in noisy situations while walking.
Starkey Evolv AI vs Phonak Paradise – Your Thoughts?
Has this helped you decide between the Starkey Evolv AI and Phonak Paradise hearing aids? Let me know in the comments below. Your audiologist can help you determine which hearing aid is most appropriate for your needs. If you’re interested in learning more about today’s latest hearing aid technology, go to and check out all the videos on our YouTube channel.
-Dr. Derek