Top 10 Hearing Loss FACTs You Never Knew

Top 10 Hearing Loss FACTs You Never Knew

Top 10 Hearing Loss FACTS You Never Knew

Top 10 Surprising Facts about Hearing Loss You Never Knew

Today you’ll discover the top 10 surprising facts about hearing loss that you never knew! 

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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek – audiologist, audio engineer, and musician with bringing you the best insight in today’s latest hearing aids, headphones, and audio technology to improve your life.  If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist. 

If you’re interested in hearing aids, check out my free eBook HERE.

Fact #1 Hearing loss is not all the same

The human ear is able to perceive of sounds across an incredibly wide frequency spectrum, from 20 to 20,000 Hz or vibrations per second.  Hearing loss can occur at any point across this spectrum of sounds.  Some people have more difficulty hearing higher pitched sounds, while others may have difficulty hearing lower pitched bass sounds.  The effects of hearing loss present differently from one person to the next depending on which frequencies are affected.  For example, a high frequency hearing loss makes it more difficult to understand what someone is saying since high frequencies are responsible for speech clarity.

Fact #2 Hearing loss can affect people of all ages.

Hearing loss can occur as a result of several factors including medical conditions, genetics, and exposure to loud sounds.  There is also age related hearing loss, called presbycusis, that results in a reduction of high frequency hearing sensitivity.  Children and adults can experience hearing loss of any degree, from mild to profound.  Early detection and treatment of hearing loss in children is important, since hearing loss in childhood can significantly impact speech and language development. 

Fact #3 Hearing loss can occur over time

Hearing loss can be gradual, so you may not realize that you are having difficulty hearing and understanding the people around you.  Regular check-ups with an audiologist can detect hearing loss early so that you can get treatment sooner.  Often it is other family members who notice a loved one’s communication difficulties that are caused by hearing loss.  

Fact #4 People with hearing loss often wait to seek help

People may be embarrassed by their hearing loss and not seek help until later in life.  They may also think that it isn’t a big problem.  However, we don’t know what we’re not hearing and this causes us to miss out on conversation.  When people first try hearing aids, they are amazed to hear all the sounds they were not hearing before.  

Fact #5 Hearing loss can occur with loud sound exposure

Hearing loss can be the result of being around loud music either as a performing musician or when attending a concert.  Listening to music too loud with headphones or earbuds can also cause hearing loss.  Hearing loss can occur when working around loud equipment as well.  So, make sure you wear hearing protection like earplugs or earmuffs when you’re around loud sound.

Fact #6 Hearing loss can impact mental health

People with hearing loss can feel increasingly isolated due to their inability to communicate effectively with others.  They may also feel depressed or have anxiety about being in group situations.  Please see an audiologist and physician if you have these concerns.  Treating hearing loss not only helps you hear better but also helps you feel connected again.  Don’t wait to seek help!

Fact #7 Hearing loss is not always permanent

Hearing loss can be the result of fluid buildup in the middle ear from an ear infection, abnormal function of the bones within the ear, or from a buildup of earwax in the ear canal.  This prevents sound from traveling down into the ear normally.  This is called conductive hearing loss, and it can be treated medically, with surgery, or with just simple ear wax removal by your provider.

Fact #8 Hearing loss can be a result of certain medication use

Hearing loss can be a side effect of medication like diuretics, aminoglycosides, some chemotherapy drugs, and over the counter pain relievers taken in high doses.  Consult with your physician if you have any questions regarding medications and hearing loss or if you have onset of tinnitus/ringing in the ears with medication use.

Fact #9 Hearing loss can be due to head injury

Trauma to the head like a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause hearing loss.  The inner structure of the ear can be disrupted from an impact to the head.  This trauma can effect the fluid filled inner ear and cause permanent hearing loss.  The inner ear is where our hearing sensory hair cells are located which detect incoming sound and send the sound signal to our brains.  A disruption to the inner ear or nearby skull bones can cause permanent hearing loss.

Fact #10 Hearing loss is treatable

Common treatments for hearing loss include hearing aids, cochlear implants, and assistive listening devices.  Other forms of hearing loss can be treated with medication or surgery.  There are also communication strategies that can make it easier to communicate with others.  If you’re having trouble hearing and understanding people around you – Try reducing background noise, sit closer to the person you’re speaking with, and face the other person for improved understanding with visual cues.  

Which of these hearing loss facts surprised you the most?  Let us know in the comments below.  If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist. If you’re interested in learning more about today’s latest hearing aid technology, go to and check out all the videos on our YouTube channel.

-Dr. Derek

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