Hearing Aids?-Top 10 Reasons to Try Hearing Devices (part 2)

Are hearing aids right for you? Well, in this post I’m talking about the top 10 reasons to try hearing devices. Coming up!
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Hi, I’m Dr. Derek, audiologist with Pro Fit Hearing.com bringing you the best insight into today’s latest hearing aids and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
Hearing Aids – Top 10 Reasons
Today, I’m talking about hearing aids and the top 10 reasons why you should try them for yourself. This is part two of this series. Click HERE for part one.
Hearing aids change lives everyday by allowing hearing impaired people to hear again and connect with their family and friends. Especially with all the advances in hearing technology today, there has never been a better time to see how hearing aids can impact your life for the better.
#6 Prevent Cognitive Decline
Untreated hearing loss may be linked to decline of cognitive function. Hearing loss leads to decreased auditory stimulation in the brain. For more information on this subject, check out the links below to research studies at HopkinsMedicine.org
Many patients with significant hearing loss try hearing aids, and their families report that they become different people. They now participate and engage socially. They hear and respond when spoken to. Their lives change in immeasurable ways impacting not only themselves but also all those around them.
#7 Avoid Social Isolation
Some hearing loss is severe enough that the person can not hear conversational speech and may not be aware that they are being spoken to until you get their attention. Hearing loss can cause withdrawal from conversation and group situations. Hearing loss can make social situations exhausting and embarrassing. Often, people with hearing loss may ask you to repeat what you said but still do not understand. Rather than ask you to repeat yourself again, the person may act like they understood anyway and nod or give a vague answer just to avoid embarrassment. If they are having that much difficulty understanding, it is easier to withdraw from social interactions or avoid them all together. This is a horrible solution to a treatable problem. Hearing aids can change your life immensely. Why not use the wonderful hearing technology available in hearing aids today to finally hear what you’re missing?
#8 Monitor the Volume of Your Own Voice
Many people with hearing loss can not tell how loud they’re speaking, so they unknowingly talk at a louder volume than everyone else because it seems normal to them. These patients may admit that they’ve been called a “loud talker”. Hearing aids will help you hear your voice so that you can better regulate your speaking volume while also hearing those around you much easier than before.
#9 Find Tinnitus Relief
Do you have “ringing in the ears”? It’s called tinnitus and often accompanies hearing loss. Using a hearing aid can reduce your tinnitus to a level that is less bothersome. Hearing aid users report varying degrees of tinnitus reduction. If you use hearing aids but still have bothersome tinnitus, ask your provider about adding a tinnitus masking sound for tinnitus relief. These sounds are often built-in to the hearing aid and can be easily activated by your provider. Today’s hearing aids can also use bluetooth technology to stream therapeutic sounds for tinnitus directly from an app on your smartphone.
#10 Enjoy Phone Conversations Again
Talking on the phone is something you may avoid if you have hearing loss. Maybe it’s just too difficult to understand what the other person is saying, and you don’t want to keep asking them to repeat themselves. Hearing aids today have optimized phone settings that turn on when you hold the phone up to your ear. Some hearing aids will wirelessly send the phone sound to both ears which greatly improves speech understanding. This allows you to answer your cell phone, lay it down, and have a phone conversation with just your hearing aids on.
Are you ready to try hearing aids?
So, what’s keeping you from trying hearing aids? I hope the benefits of hearing aid use that I’ve discussed today will convince you to try them for yourself. Your local clinic should provide a trial period and may even have some behind-the-ear style hearing aids in stock for demonstration. After receiving a hearing evaluation, a hearing aid can be programmed to your results and be ready to listen to within just a few minutes. Ask your audiologist or hearing aid dispenser today about what hearing aid options are available and start hearing all that you’ve been missing!
Question of the Day
So for today’s question, do any of these reasons to try hearing aids motivate you to take action? I’d love to know your thoughts, so please comment below. Also, what other hearing aid related videos do you want to see? Let’s connect in the comments.
Remember to connect with Pro Fit Hearing on social media. Be a part of the Pro Fit Hearing community!
If you are interested in hearing aids, click HERE for my FREE ebook, “How To Buy Hearing Aids”. Know what to ask your audiologist or hearing aid dispenser so that your hearing aids are easy to use and have all the features you’re looking for.
Remember, Pro Fit Hearing brings you the best insight into today’s latest hearing aids and audio technology to improve your life. If you have concerns about your hearing, always consult with your local physician or audiologist.
-Dr. Derek